In a recent attempt to further understand and indulge in the American saga of lite beers (as opposed to light beers in places like Australia, which tend to have lower alcohol content as opposed to lower calories as their motivation) I convinced some friends of mine to try MGD 64 with me. While I initially intended this experiment to be part of a lite beer comparison of all the old favorites, I have become too engulfed in the nature of this particular beer to continue my study which, lets face it, is a nuanced feat as all of our lite beers are poorly made and taste similarly.
The first thing that I noticed about MGD 64 is the vulcanized rubber smell which emanates from the bottle as you crack it open. I've been sensitive to this scent for as long as I can remember and this always garners an adverse reaction. After a few sips (perhaps stemming from our spring plan to "get hot," and therefore limit our bodily intake to boot) we made a consensus about MGD 64: "I don't mind it." This is not a surprising reaction considering that we've all been conditioned, not as Midwesterners but as Americans, to salute Coors (Light) as the pinnacle of American brewing.
Although MGD 64 tastes like beer flavored water (and hey, what the hell doesn't as far as most American lagers are concerned) I figured, "I can make this sacrifice in support of my 'hot body' pursuits;" especially at $5.00 a six-pack. Anyway, when I was doing a little research to vamp up the lite beer comparison (my vote was for Miller Lite by the way-I think of it as sort of the girl-next-door of lite beer) I discovered the unthinkable...and the obvious.
MD 64 has a 2.8% alcohol content by volume! I wanted to spit it out upon reading this, but we had already finished the case. Seriously, I could piss 2.8%. But this foul excuse for beer, especially when one expects Miller to uphold its title as "Champagne of Beers," has lead me to consider what may be an effective therapeutic tool: Alcoholics, you may simply consider switching to MGD 64 before reaching for that case of O'Douls. I mean it's only 64 calories and relatively alcohol free. Best yet, after drinking it more than once you may be inclined to swear off all beer for quite some time (I thought adding salt had made it taste better for a while, but I was probably just kidding myself).
As for the rest of us America, If you're going to be drinking domestic lite beer, you should probably just be drinking Fosters. Cheers
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